Committee Roles & Responsibilities

Four Committees have been formed to implement the priorities established at the 2011 organizational meeting:

Capacity Building committee

Goal: Increase knowledge about family support services and strengthen the assets and practices that build capacity among Alliance member agencies. Chairperson: Ginger Ward, Southwest Human Development
Objective A

Improve capacity of agencies by increasing knowledge of family support issues and challenges.

Objective B

Improve capacity by identifying effective methods for training and technical assistance of Alliance member agencies.

Outreach, Screening and Referral committee

Goal: To improve access to family support services through collaborative outreach, screening and referral processes. Chairperson: Carol Lopinski, Child Crisis Center
Objective A

Participate in the identification and implementation of a common screening process to ensure target families have the opportunity to express their needs in a comprehensive manner and to guide the referral and care coordination process.

Objective B

Create a systematic approach to outreach across the community involving public awareness and information dissemination at strategic locations.

Family Support Standards Committee

Goal: Enhance the quality and responsiveness of family support services by adopting and promoting the implementation of family support practice standards. Chairperson: Lydia Medina, Child and Family Resources
Objective A

Promote and encourage adherence to family support standards through training, technical assistance and capacity-building initiatives.

Objective B

Define or adopt an existing self-assessment process to assist agencies in determining the degree to which family support standards have been implemented.

  • Engage family members, staff and administrators in the self-assessment process.
  • Provide training and technical assistance to implement the self-assessment process, analyze results and improve the practice.
Objective C

Determine, following the completion of objectives A and B, whether or not the Alliance should have a role in defining and implementing a standardized rating process.

Data Mapping and Reporting Committee

Goal: To provide current, relevant information regarding the well-being of families in Maricopa County, the assets available, and provide strategic mapping to Alliance member agencies.

Objective A

On an annual basis, produce a report of the status of the well-being of families in Maricopa County, including:

  • A compilation of relevant secondary data;
  • Obtaining specific information from families through the use of surveys, interviews, focus groups and other relevant means.
Objective B

Use GIS mapping to inform future collaborative planning efforts. Map assets, demographics and high-risk communities by developing partnerships with existing organizations that have the capacity to utilize GIS technologies.

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