Why Has MFSA Made This Investment?

featured-family-perspectiveWhat makes the Standards unique? They are the first to integrate the 9 Family Support Principles and the research-based, evidence-informed Strengthening Families™: A Protective Factors Framework. The Standards are a tool for:

  • Promoting quality practice for families
  • Developing a shared understanding of the core elements required in quality practice
  • Establishing a shared language across many different kinds of programs
  • Providing a structure for further professionalizing the field
  • Positioning programs for funding and policy change

To download a complete set of the Standards click here

MFSA Standards Training Dates

To learn more about MFSA’s future dates for the daylong Standards Certification Training visit our Events and Resources Page or contact [email protected]

The Standards Certification Training is just the beginning of the journey. It is in the implementation of the Standards that quality improves. All MFSA members who go through the Standards Certification Training are invited to participate in our Community of Practice, where we work together to support successful implementation. To learn more about MFSA’s Standards Community of Practice visit our Events and Resources Page or contact  [email protected]

Click here for the full list of MFSA Members with staff trained in the National Standards

MFSA’s work around the National Standards of Quality for Family Strengthening and Support is guided by our Standards Committee.

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